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Reading Intervention

CPD Training

Reading specialist and author of Reading Rocketeers, John Murray provides training that will enable you to support and engage learners as they journey towards becoming a more confident and successful independent reader.

Participants will explore the key reasons as to why learners struggle to comprehend what they read and consider a range of techniques that can be used to overcome them in the classroom.


The course will also look at the difference between Shared Reading and Guided Reading and discusses the structure and content of an effective Reading Intervention lesson across both Key Stages.

Course Programme:


Session One: 1.5 hours


The course will begin by considering 12 key reasons that contribute towards a learner’s ability to comprehend.

Consideration will also be given to Jane Oakhill’s seminal work on how readers understand text at word, sentence and whole text level and discuss the implications this has for developing a strong and effective Reading Intervention programme within your school.

We will also explore how this might look across both Key Stages and the reasons for this, with a particular focus being given to looking at the difference between Shared Reading with non-functional readers in Key Stage 1 and transitional readers in Key Stage 2.


Session Two: 1.5 hours


Using two lessons from the classroom, John will demonstrate how the pedagogy that underpins a good Reading Intervention programme can be transferred into the classroom with success.

The first lesson will focus on the structure and process of a Shared Reading session, and discussion take place as to what contributed to its success.

The second lesson will explore different techniques and an alternative structure to this lesson using an example of how it was adapted for a Key Stage 2 classroom.

Practical, engaging and pedagogically sound, this course is particularly useful for those who teach in Key Stage 1, lower Key Stage 2, SENCOs and those who work with less confident readers.

Please note that this training is supported with course materials from John’s Reading Rocketeers series. Should you wish to become a Host School for the Reading Intervention CPD, please contact John directly. 

For those specialising in Reading Intervention, this course can also be facilitated as a whole day’s training, details of which are available upon request.

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